by Dr. John DeLancey | Jun 28, 2013 | Tours
DAY 12 – FRIDAY, JUNE 28 This was our last day here in Jerusalem. This “free day” as ours to sleep in a little, roam around on our own, visit a few new sites, and re-visit others. Among some of the things we saw today included the Upper Room, Oscar...
by Dr. John DeLancey | Jun 27, 2013 | Tours
DAY 11 – THURSDAY, JUNE 27 Another sunny day here in Jerusalem! Leaving at 7:30, our first destination was the City of David and the new excavations of David’s palace. After seeing a 3-D video on the history of this city and meeting Eli Shoukron (the one who...
by Dr. John DeLancey | Jun 26, 2013 | Tours
DAY 10 – WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26 With another 7:30 a.m. departure from the hotel, we began the day by entering the Jaffa Gate and walking down through the Jewish Quarter to the entrance to the Temple Mount. After ascending to this place where the both Solomon’s and...
by Dr. John DeLancey | Jun 25, 2013 | Tours
DAY 9 – TUESDAY, JUNE 25 We start the day with an orientation of Jerusalem from the Mt. of Olives. Driving to the top, we enjoyed the spectacular view of the Old City and Temple Mount below. From here we can relate to hat the psalmist said, “As the mountains...
by Dr. John DeLancey | Jun 24, 2013 | Tours
This morning we said “goodbye” to this beautiful “retreat center” called Maagan and the Sea of Galilee. Leaving at 7:30, our first stop was the precipice of Nazareth. From here we got our first view of the Jezreel Valley. We saw Mt....