April-May Israel 2014 Tour – Saturday, May 10

DAY 13 – SATURDAY, MAY 10 We left our hotel in Petra at 7:30 a.m. and began our drive back north towards Amman.  We left the Petra area (with a great panoramic view) reading Numbers 20 about the death of Aaron on Mt. Hor.  Traveling once again on the King’s Highway...

April-May Israel 2014 Tour – Friday, May 9

DAY 12 – FRIDAY, MAY 9 We woke up to good news… Petra was open today!  The weather was perfect, with lots of sun and eventual highs about 70.  Leaving the hotel after breakfast at 8:30, we walked to the entrance of the site of ancient Petra.  We would spend all day...

April-May Israel 2014 Tour – Thursday, May 8

DAY 11 – THURSDAY, MAY 8 For those of us doing the Jordan extension, this was our last morning in Jerusalem.  It would be a very “unusual” day weather-wise. Having rained last night, we left at 7:30 this morning.  It was still raining.  We headed to the Allenby Bridge...

April-May Israel 2014 Tour – Wednesday, May 7

DAY 11 – WEDNESDAY, MAY 7 It was a free morning for us today!  Some slept in while others walked into the Old City to explore a few more sites.  A few of the sites visited/re-visited included the Mt. Zion, David’s Tomb, Oscar Schindler’s tomb, House of Caiaphas, Wall...

April-May Israel 2014 Tour – Tuesday, May 6

DAY 10 – TUESDAY, MAY 6 Today was Independence Day (a continuation from last night).  Because of it, we virtually had the City of David and southern wall excavations to ourselves.  Leaving the hotel at 8 a.m., we drove to the City of David.  Here we saw numerous...

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