April-May 2015 Tour Summary

April-May 2015 Tour Summary

I just returned from another trip to Israel, my 39th.  Once again, it’s humbling to be part of such a wonderful experience where we meet God at every corner, in every passage we read “on site,” and through the worship and reflection times along the...
April-May, 2015 Tour – Day 13

April-May, 2015 Tour – Day 13

DAY 13 – FRIDAY, MAY 8 This was our last full day. Once again, the weather was perfect, with sun and highs in the 70s. It was a day of focusing upon the Churches of Revelation (Rev. 2-3). We checked out of our hotel in Izmir and visited ancient Smyrna, the first of...

April-May, 2015 Tour – Day 12

DAY 12 – THURSDAY, MAY 7 The day started early for us. Waking up at 2:30 a.m., we loaded the bus and drove to the Ben Gurion Airport. After checking in and passport control, we boarded our flight to Istanbul. After getting our boarding passes (with some unfortunate...
April-May, 2015 Tour – Day 11

April-May, 2015 Tour – Day 11

DAY 11 – WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 Today we left the hotel at 8:15. Our first stop was to the Garden Tomb. This is a second traditional location for the crucifixion and burial-tomb site of Jesus. We saw what was suggested to us as Golgotha, the garden, and the tomb itself. We...
April-May, 2015 Tour – Day 10

April-May, 2015 Tour – Day 10

DAY 10 – TUESDAY, MAY 5 The morning began with a 7:30 departure again. The weather was perfect today, with sun and temps in the low 70s.  We drove just a short distance to the Western Wall (the “Kotel”). We entered the Western Wall Tunnels and walked along the...

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