Recent Flash Floods in Israel

Recent Flash Floods in Israel

Flash floods in Israel can take place without warning. They are impressive to see but they are also very dangerous and damaging if you are in the path of one coming your way. I have personally seen flash floods in the Dead Sea area that have overturned buses.  This is...
Israel’s Red Sea

Israel’s Red Sea

Israel has three “seas,” as we like to say -The Red, the Med (as in the Mediterranean), and the Dead.  Recently, Israel broke through the “world rankings” and is now considered having one of the top 10 beaches in the world. Israel’s...
Expansion Time!

Expansion Time!

I remember as a kid watching the old Apollo Space Missions to the moon.  In fact, our family actually personally knew Astronaut Jim Irvin (Apollo 17 I believe?).  He was one who walked on the moon. Taking his first steps on to the moon’s surface, Jim quoted...
Spectacular Israel Video

Spectacular Israel Video

This is some of the best Israel video I’ve ever seen.  It captures spectacular perspectives of the land.  Most of this 22 minute footage is time-lapse footage created by  For sure, it’s some of the very best video I’ve seen yet to...

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