by Dr. John DeLancey | Sep 20, 2019 | Archaeology, City of David, Israel Tour, Jerusalem
DAY 11 – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20: CITY OF DAVID, SOUTHERN EXCAVATIONS, A FEW FREE HOURS, GARDEN TOMBToday was the last full day of our trip here in Israel. Unfortunately, our two missed days at the start of the trip (due to the British Air pilot strike) could not be made...
by Dr. John DeLancey | Sep 19, 2019 | Israel Tour, Life of Jesus
DAY 10 – THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19: OVERLOOK & HIKE IN WADI QELT, FREE TIME IN OLD CITY, YAD VASHEM HOLOCAUST MESEUM & MEMORIAL Today was a mix of desert and city. Predictably for this time of year, it was another sunny and warm day, with highs in the high 80s....
by Dr. John DeLancey | Sep 18, 2019 | Archaeology, Israel Tour, Life of Jesus
DAY 9 – WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18: WESTERN WALL TUNNEL, JEWISH QUARTER, DAVID’S CITADEL/HEROD’S PALACE, HERODIAN HOUSE, SHORASHIM, ISRAEL MUSEUMToday was another great day, with fascinating sites! The skies were brilliantly sunny with highs in the mid 80s.Western...
by Dr. John DeLancey | Sep 17, 2019 | Archaeology, Israel Tour, Jerusalem
DAY 8 – TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17: JERUSALEM, MT. Of OLIVES, GETHSEMANE, OLD CITY, HERODIUM, BETHLEHEMToday was the first full day in Jerusalem! The weather was perfect, with full sun and highs in the mid 80s.Mt. of OlivesAfter a full breakfast, we left the hotel at 7:40,...
by Dr. John DeLancey | Sep 16, 2019 | Archaeology, Historical Geography, Israel Tour
DAY 7– MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16: SEPPORIS, PRECIPICE OF NAZARETH, MEGIDDO, MT. CARMEL, CAESAREA, JERUSALEM Today we were greeted by a wonderful sunrise and partly sunny skies. The high temps in the afternoon were in the high 80s. Jerusalem was cooler when we arrived at...