Day 9 – Friday, June 14: Mt. of Olives, Herodium, Bethlehem, Shephelah/Lowlands of Judah: Azekah & Gezer
Today was another great day. The heat wave continued, however, with a high of 100 once again. We began the day in Jerusalem, and ended the day in the Shephelah (lowlands) of Judah.
Mt. of Olives
Our first stop of the day was the Mt. of Olives. We drove around the north side of the Old City, passing the Damascus and Herod Gates on the way. Cresting the Mt. of Olives we drove to a spectacular view across the Kidron Valley of the Old City and Temple Mount below. We remembered the events of Jesus’ and and ministry: Luke 19 (Palm Sunday), Luke 22 (Gethsemane), Acts 1 (Christ’s ascension), and Zechariah 14 (about the return of Christ).
Next, we drove south on the Bethlehem-Hebron road until we turned east to Herodium. This was a palace-fortress built by Herod the Great. He was also buried in 4 BC. The site was incredible, with many new renovations and displays. Inside the well-preserved official’s chamber where we saw a wonderful presentation. We then walked up through the royal arches to the top where we saw the bathhouse, synagogue, impressive frescoes, and a great view of Jerusalem. We left the site by carefully walking down through the cistern system.
From Herodium we drove into Bethlehem. We recalled the story of Luke 2 about the birth of Jesus. It was “just at the right time God sent His Son” (Galatians 4:4). We also enjoyed a stop at an olive wood factory and story (Nissan Brothers). These olive wood products were impressive and so well crafted. We also enjoyed an amazing lunch here (thanks imagine Tours & Travel).
Shlomo’s Community
Following lunch we drove westward to the Shephelah (lowlands) of Judah. On the way, we made a brief stop at Shlomo’s community. It was fun to see where he lived. The view of Jerusalem was spectacular too.
Our first site in the Shephelah was Azekah. We climbed the “tel” for a great view of the Elah Valley, one of five primary valleys in the lowlands. This ancient city located along the heart of the Elah Valley is mentioned in the story of 1 Samuel 17 (the Philistines camped on the ride between Azekah and Socoh). It was in the narrow part of the valley where David battled Goliath. David faced the battle with this giant in the confidence of the Lord! We can face our battles with the same confidence! Note: we even tried our slings here!
“Today included another mix of sites and experiences, all connecting us to the Bible. To begin the day, the view of the Old City and the Temple Mount from the Mt. of Olives was amazing! To focus on Jesus’ kingship in both His First and Second Comings was inspiring!”

The last stop of the day was to Tel Gezer. We passed by Beth Shemesh. Located along the Sorek Valley, the Ark of the Covenant was returned here (1 Samuel 6). I t was also where the battle between Amaziah and Joash took place (2 Chronicles 25). Nearby (in Zorah) was the home of Samson (Judges 13-16). His first wife was from Timnah.
Gezer is located on the Aijalon Valley north of the Sorek Valley. It was both a Canaanite and Israelite city, full of walls, towers, and gates. We saw the replica of the “Gezer Calendar.” We also read from Ecclesiastes 3 about the “seasons of life.” From the observation mound we saw the Aijalon Valley mentioned in Joshua 10. Among the Middle Bronze ruins many of us used the new steel stairway down to the bottom of the water system (175 steps down). This water system was originally used by Canaanites. We then left these Canaanite ruins and continued to the Israelite (Iron Age) area to see ancient house structures and a chambered gate dating to Solomon (1 Kings 9).
At 6 p.m., we drove back to Jerusalem for dinner at 7 p.m. followed by an optional walk to the Promenade.
Day 10 – Saturday, June 15: Garden Tomb, Israel Museum, Old City, Holy Sepulcher Church, Rampart Walk, Free Time