Day 13 – Thursday, January 16: City of David, Southern Excavations, Jewish Quarter, Allenby Bridge Crossing, Mt. Nebo, Overnight in Amman


The streak continues! Today was our last day here in Jerusalem and it was another very nice weather day, with some skittered clouds in the morning but sunny skies and temps once again in the mid 60s by afternoon. We have been blessed, although Israel needs winter rains! Today was also a day of incredible experiences exploring the City of David, the Southern excavations of the Temple, the Western Wall, and the Jewish Quarter before we drove to the Allenby Bridge Border to cross back over to Jordan for our flight tomorrow. 


City of David

After loading up our bus with our luggage, we left our hotel at 7:35 reading portions of Psalm 48. We drove down the Hinnom Valley before climbing up there Tyropoeon Valley to the City of David. After gathering on the observation tower, we walked down through the excavations (“Area G”). We saw David’s palace, city walls, and 7th-6th BC house structures. One of them was excavated/uncovered by Dr. John in June-July, 1982. We all continued through Warren’s Shaft (2 Samuel 5). The upper part of this discovery was probably used by David but not the vertical 52 foot shaft. Finally, we descended down to the Canaanite/Jebusite pool to the Gihon Spring. Many in the group braved the waters of the 1,700 foot-long Hezekiah’s Tunnel (2 Kings 20, 2 Chronicles 32), while others took the “dry” Jebusite tunnel built 100s of years earlier. Both groups met at the Pool of Siloam where we read John 9 in dramatic fashion (great job actors!).


Southern Wall Excavations

From here we drove up to the SW corner of the Temple (plans were to walk up through the Drainage Channel underneath the stone pavement that dates to 30 AD, but it was closed). The SW corner of the Temple may have been the pinnacle of the Temple where Jesus was tempted (Mt. 4). We walked up the southern steps used by commoners in Jesus’ day. Jesus Himself would have used these steps to enter the Temple. We recalled the many mentioned in the NT who used these steps (Luke 2, 18; John 2; Mark 13; and Acts 2, etc…). Before leaving the steps, we considered how God wants us to be His spiritual temple (2 Corinthians 3).


Western Wall

We walked a short distance where we entered into the Kotel area. Our visit of the Western/Wailing Wall was fascinating. The Western Wall served as one of four retaining walls to support the expanded Temple Mount platform. Herod’s Temple project (beginning in 20 BC) was expansive! We enjoyed going down to Wall.


Jewish Quarter

We walked up to the heart of the Jewish Quarter from here, enjoying lunch on our own and some last-minute shopping. We met Moshe (an Orthodox Jew) at Shoreshim.

“Today was our last full day before our flight home tomorrow morning from Amman. This morning we enjoyed seeing the City of David while here in Jordan we took in a wonderful “Moses’ view” from the Mt. Nebo area. The trip has now come to an end. What a great tour it was!”
Hezekiah's Tunnel January 2025 Israel Tour John DeLancey

Allenby Bridge Crossing & Mt. Nebo

Because of our flight back home leaving from Amman, we walked out of the Zion’s Gate to meet our bus. We then drove back down through the Judean Desert to the Allenby Bridge Border Crossing. The procedure went well and took less time than last week. Meeting Sam, our Jordanian Guide, we drove from the Plains of Moab to Mt. Nebo. We read from Deuteronomy 31-34. The view of the northern part of the Dead Sea and the Jordan Valley was hazy. However, it was a special location with which to end our tour.



After a brief stop at a mosaic school and store (in support of our Jordanian friends), we arrived at our hotel for our last night of the trip. We enjoyed dinner together. We fly home tomorrow.


Day 14 – Friday, January 17: Amman Airport, Departure, Flight to the U.S.

Mt. of Olives City of David January 2025 Israel Tour John DeLancey
Gihon Spring January 2025 Israel Tour John DeLancey
Southern Steps January 2025 Israel Tour John DeLancey
Mt. Nebo January 2025 Israel Tour John DeLancey
City of David Area G January 2025 Israel Tour John DeLancey
Siloam Pool January 2025 Israel Tour John DeLancey
Western Wall January 2025 Israel Tour John DeLancey
Mt. Nebo January 2025 Israel Tour John DeLancey

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