A Canaanite & Judean City

Biblical Israel Ministries & Tours (BIMT) is all about teaching the Bible in the context of the land of Israel and other biblical countries (Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, Greece, and Italy). There are over 100 biblical sites in Israel alone that have been excavated. Lachish is one of them.

Below you will see one of our latest YouTube Bible teachings. I want to take you on a walk through the city of Lachish to see the fascinating remains of chambered city gates, fortification walls, a siege ramp built by the Assyrian king Sennacherib at the end of the Eighth Century BC, and even a palace. Recently, archaeologists  found a stone toilet in one of the chambers and an impressive Canaanite temple. Lastly, a Tenth Century BC wall was uncovered, probably built by Rehoboam, the 10th century BC Judean king. Most importantly, the Lachish Letters (ostraca) were found here in 1935 or so.

Lachish was a Canaanite city taken by Joshua in two days (Joshua 10). It was later refortified by Rehoboam. It was a double-walled city.

This 30+ acre site is quite impressive and filled with biblical history!


Lachish was excavated first in the 1930’s. Digs in the 1970s and 80s followed. Recently, the site continues to be excavated, attracting the attention of archaeologists even today.”
This video teaching (and the next few dozen or so) will take you to actual biblical sites. You will walk through these sites with me. I hope that this teaching will help you learn about the Bible in the context of the land of Israel. Go HERE to see all our YouTube teachings and videos.

Biblical Israel by Air

By the way, while this teaching video below does not include any drone footage of this site, we have produce a resource that does. It is called Biblical Israel By Air. It is now available for purchase from our web site: www.biblicalisraeltours.com. This one hour and six minute narrated video is available in a DVD format (720 resolution), Thumb Drive (1920 x 1080 resolution), and eventually by download. Also available for download is extended drone video of 48 individual sites covered in Biblical Israel By Air video. Most of the individual site videos are 2-4 minutes long.
We also invite you to join one of our upcoming trips as well! Israel will soon be opening up the country for tourism. Stay tuned for updates too!
In the meantime, enjoy this teaching video.

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